What is Email?


Unit 4: Lesson 2: Email                     

  • Questions:

  • 1)     Define an email?
  • 2)     What is the benefit of email?
  • 3)     Define the drawback of an email?
  • 4)     List the top three webmail providers?
  • 5)     State sections of Email addresses?


  • 1)     Email is a program that lets you send and receive emails over the internet and over electronic networks. It is short for electronic mail.
  • 2)     Benefits of Email:

è Its free service

è You can send many files of documents to many people.

è Accessible anywhere at any time.

è It is easy to manage.

  • 3)     Drawback of an Email:

·        Only computer literate people are comfortable with the use of e-mail.

·        Hackers and crackers easily interfere with peoples` privacy.

·        Viruses and worms are transmitted through emails.

  • 4)     The top three webmail providers are:

·        Google`s Gmail.

·        Microsoft`s Outlook.com (Previously Hotmail)

·        and Yahoo.

  • 5)     Sections of Email Addresses are:

·        User name

·        The “at” (sign @)

·        Host server name (Gmail, outlook or yahoo)

·        A period (.)

·        The domain (for example .com, .net, .org, .edu, .ac, .gov, among others.

(@Eng. Saleebaan Colaad)

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