What is a computer?

What is a computer?                            A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules, produce information (output), and store the information for future use.

Functionalities of a computer

  • Takes data as input
  • Stores the data.
  • Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
  • Generates the output & Controls all the above four steps


Computer components

q  Any kind of computers consists of HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE


q  Computer equipment that you can touch and handle is called Hardware. This is the name given to all the physical devices that make up the computer system.

Software: is a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data.

  1. System Software
  2. Application Software 

Input Device

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

A CPU is brain of a computer. It is responsible for all functions and processes.

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Executes all arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic calculations like as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical operation like compare numbers, letters, or special characters.
  • Control Unit (CU): controls and co-ordinates computer components. 
  • Registers: Stores the data that is to be executed next, "very fast storage area". 

Storage Devices

Primary Memory: -

  1. RAM: Random Access Memory (RAM) is a memory scheme within the computer system responsible for storing data on a temporary basis.
  2. ROM (Read Only Memory): ROM is a permanent form of storage. ROM stays active regardless of whether power supply to it is turned on or off. ROM devices do not allow data stored on them to be modified.  

Secondary Memory: -

Stores data and programs permanently: its retained after the power is turned off.

Output Devices

Diyaariye: Eng Saleebaan Colaad

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