The qualities and
strengths displayed by those in management positions that support directing and
motivating a team of individuals toward accomplishing a common objective or set
of goals are known as leadership skills. These skill sets include
decision-making, negotiation, dispute resolution, support, and communication.
You vary your actions as a flexible leader
in response to changing circumstances. You bounce back quickly from setbacks by
seeing them as an opportunity to improve when things don't go as planned. Being
adaptable and responding to shifting circumstances and situations are key
components of demonstrating flexibility in leadership.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking involves analyzing data
to properly appreciate a problem or topic. The steps in the critical thinking
process frequently involve gathering information and facts, formulating
thoughtful questions, and evaluating viable solutions. If you work in HR and
have to resolve a conflict between two coworkers, for instance, applying
critical thinking abilities can be useful in figuring out the nature of the
conflict and the best course of action. Making decisions requires the use of
critical thinking.
Decisions made by effective leaders are in
the best interests of their teams, clients, stakeholders, and organizations. As
a leader, using critical thinking abilities in decision-making enables you to
recognize issues and provide solutions that are beneficial to both your company
and your people. Leaders must constantly make decisions that are fair and
impartial and communicate in a professional manner.
Effective problem solvers in leadership are able to
anticipate workplace problems, characterize them, pinpoint their origins,
devise a solution, and draw lessons from them in order to prevent similar
problems in the future. Strong communication abilities and regard for all
parties involved are necessary for problem-solving. Both managers and employees
can gain from viewing and presenting problems as opportunities. A prime
illustration of this is when a drop in social media activity is seen as a
chance to improve social media presence rather than a problem.
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(@ Eng. Saleebaan Colaad)